The DCPNS is pleased to introduce resources designed specifically for the young adult: Moving on…with Diabetes: A Youth in Transition Handbook.
The pediatric to adult transition period is a difficult time for young adults with diabetes and there can be significant gaps in care during this period. Many young adults become “lost to follow up”; and as such, glycemic control may deteriorate, complications can increase, etc. It is important to develop planned transition strategies to support adolescents/families through this challenging period. These resources are intended to provide a standardized process in Nova Scotia as well as patient/provider tools to support both the care teams and adolescent/family prior to, during, and after transition/transfer from pediatric to adult diabetes care.
Manual Sections include:
- Transition Flow Charts, Transition Process, and Overview of Patient and Provider Resources
- Adolescent/Family Handouts (e.g., self-assessment forms and checklists, Worries and Concerns Questionnaire, Advice for Parents, etc.)
- Health Care Provider Forms (e.g., checklist and Transition Summary Form)
- DCPNS Transition Resources (e.g., Role of the Transition Consultant, How to Make a Referral, Consent Form, Referral Form, and Transition Community Events (how to plan and deliver—how to guides)
- Recommended Readings
Forms available for download include the following:
- Transition Flow Charts
- Diabetes Knowledge & Skills Self-Assessments (13-16 yrs) and User Guide (e-forms)
- Diabetes Knowledge & Skills Checklist (17-18 yrs) Part 1 (e-form)
- Diabetes Knowledge & Skills Checklist (17-18 yrs) Part 2 (e-form)
- Diabetes Knowledge & Skills Checklist (17-18 yrs) User Guide
- Diabetes Educator Transition Checklist (e-form)
- Diabetes Educator Transition Checklist User Guide
- Pediatric to Adult Diabetes Centre Transition Summary and User Guide
- Advice for parents (.pdf)
- Moving on to adult care (.pdf)
- Transitioning out of province (.pdf)
- What to expect in adult diabetes centre (.pdf)
Pediatric to Adult Diabetes Care Transition Event Guides (2019)
Are you considering a transition event for teens/young adults with type 1 diabetes in your area, but would like to know more? This Pediatric to Adult Diabetes Care Transition Event Guides provide the materials to plan and deliver a Transition Event for youth/young adults (15-18 years of age). It is intended to guide facilitators with ideas about how to structure a learning process for youth/young adults with diabetes who are transitioning from pediatric to adult care services, including 1st voice partners.
The guide includes: