This folder includes all of the training resources you need to set up for Virtual Care Nova Scotia.
Support for Billing
Billing Codes, Diagnostic Code, and Additional Billing Info
Diagnostic Imaging Requisition Guide
Quick Reference Guide for Diagnostic Imaging Requisitions
Labs and Diagnostic Imaging Orders and Results
Guide to ordering Laboratory Services and Diagnostic Imaging procedures and how to view the results.
VCNS Platform (Maple) Reference Guide
This document walks providers through the interface of the Virtual Care Nova Scotia Software (provided by Maple).
Virtual Care Training Guidelines around Patient Privacy
This is an important document to inform you of relevant policies and procedures when working with patient information in a virtual care setting.
Referral Process
How to make In-Person, Specialist and Emergency referrals.
IT Support Quick Reference Guide
How to work with IT to troubleshoot issues when providing Virtual Care. Everything from navigating support for the Maple application to troubleshooting your Nova Scotia Health email.
Key Contacts for Virtual Care Nova Scotia
This is an exhaustive list of all contacts one will need when working within Virtual Care Nova Scotia