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Education Session: Accreditation Basics

Leading up to Accreditation, weekly education sessions are available for all staff and physicians to attend virtually.

These one-hour sessions will walk you through what you need to know about Accreditation and how to prepare. Topics include:

  • What is an ROP?
  • What is a tracer? 
  • Why Accreditation is important

Please note these are repeat sessions – you only need to attend one.

September 21 | noon to 1 p.m.

Presenter: Catherine (Cathy) Timmons

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 895 4833 8646

Passcode: 412727

September 28| noon to 1 p.m.

Presenter: Nancy McLaughlin

Zoom link: pwd=bGtudG41YndrVm9IZEZtRWpydGpnUT09

Meeting ID: 836 1981 8642

Passcode: 544787

October 5 | noon to 1 p.m.

Presenter: Rebecca (Becky) Parks

Zoom link: pwd=bmFpZmJRcUo5UDdLVXBOeFlTbzFkQT09

Meeting ID: 872 1298 0860

Passcode: 657613

October 12 | noon to 1 p.m.

Presenter: Theresa McCarthy

Zoom link: pwd=RXR0QmdCdGNVK0hFNnozeWpDQWxJZz09

Meeting ID: 884 0529 3904

Passcode: 898160


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